SOLD OUT: Booth Options (without a sponsorship):Single Indoor Booth Registration - One 10’ x 10’ booth/table top space Select a blue (regular) booth. The booth includes:
Price: $1500.00 CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE: Single Indoor Booth Registration Double Indoor Booth Registration - Reserve two 10’ x 10’ booth/table top spaces. Price: $2800.00 CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE: Double Indoor Booth Registration Vehicle Booths:
If you wish to have a vehicle in the vendor hall, you will need to purchase one of the available TRIPLE booth locations indicated on the map (6/16/26, 7/17/27, 8/18/28, 9/19/29, 10/20/30). This will include all the same perks as a regular booth purchase, including the double booth space for the vehicle AND the single booth with table and chairs directly across from your vehicle. Gas tanks must be less than 1/4 full and battery must be removed or disconnected. Price: $4,300
CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE: Vehicle Booth Registration